Wednesday, March 25, 2009

One Liners

It occurred to me recently that if I should save some of my Facebook status updates in order to remember some of the cute things the girls do that I write about only there. This will be boring for 99% of you since you've read it already in your Newsfeeds, but since the idea of a physical memory book just makes me laugh at this point, these entries are for the girls to read in about 10 years or so. I wish that Facebook would make that a feature on their site. It'd be cool to have a running one-liner diary/blog where you just keep all of your status updates. Instead Facebook decided to update themselves in a way that does absolutely nothing for the user, but that's probably another entry in itself. At any rate, I thought this was pretty cute last night:

Kita Murdock is listening to Noni "read" her Babar book to herself. "Elephants. More elephants. More elephants. More elephants..."


Toby Murdock said...

do your updates thru Twitter.

they archive your updates forever.

--Your Handy IT Guy / Husband

Unknown said...

I agree about fb saving our status updates. I am so much better at coming up with those than an entire blog entry. Maybe we just need a fb blog with status updates.