Wednesday, May 13, 2009

You've come a long way, baby

Yesterday, walking home from picking up Evie from school, we were stopped several times by little girls of all ages running up to Evie, throwing their arms around her and yelling, "EVA!" Evie would smile, hug them back, and keep walking. I told her that I felt like I was walking through school with a movie star or something. "No mom, it's just something we do from drama," she replied.

This past weekend, Evie had two small roles in her school play. As Toby wrote in his blog, it was definitely one of the highlights of parenting so far. It was amazing to see all of these kids come together and present something they were so proud of. Apparently, as evidenced by our schoolyard walk, this created an incredible bond between the students.

A friend of mine told me a story about her daughter at a tennis class yesterday that made me think about Evie's first weeks at school. I thought about her coming home in tears and crying, "No one notices me at recess." Walking through her school, I couldn't help but smile thinking how far she's come.

To check out scenes from the play, click here!


Toby Murdock said...


Anonymous said...

Evie never surprises me. Her confidence on the stage exceeds that a normal 7 year old is expected to have. She's not just normal; she, as Lucy aptly said, is "GREAT".



Christine said...

Go Evie! What a great feeling to see such a transformation in her social landscape in one school year.