Monday, August 31, 2009

Sometimes you just can't win...

A few years ago, moms across America learned that plastics numbered 3, 6 or 7 were the new 666 and that BPA basically stood for "keep as far away as possible from my kids". We threw out our plastic Nalgene bottles and went around checking the bottoms of Tupperware containers. Then we went out in large numbers and made Sigg a household name. I have a whole cabinet dedicated to Sigg bottles. Large, medium, small, blue, red, decorated with Hello Kitty or Zebras... you name it, we have it. I started giving them as Christmas gifts to relatives who still drank from plastic water bottles, feeling I was being both environmentally-friendly and health-conscious. The girls bring Sigg bottles to school instead of a juicebox everyday, helping to reduce school waste by drinking clean water out of their reusable bottles. Oh, and I continued to buy them even after I realized that they are pain to clean and the tops are easily lost.

All of this is why, this article ( came as a very unpleasant surprise. It's one thing to inadvertantly give your kids BPA, but when you've gone out of your way and spent extra money not to? Pretty frustrating. It looks like I'll be writing some letters to try to return our Sigg bottles. But in the meantime, how do I know that we really can trust the next recommended BPA-free bottle? Sigh. Sometimes it feels like a challenge to keep my family healthy and safe.

Next up: Why organic food is bad for your brain.

1 comment:

Diana said...

Do you know anything about Oggi aluminum bottles? So freakin' annoying. I finally decide to try and do the right thing, and even that turns out to be bad. Hopefully Oggi didn't deceive us as well. Thanks for posting.