Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Toby and Kita Plus Three

This summer, our family is going to be filmed periodically. Doing the dishes, playing outside, typing on our blogs, whatever. From time to time, a camera will be there. You see, we are on a new reality tv show. Okay, we're not on a reality tv show, BUT I did get a taste for what that would be a like a couple weeks ago. Toby's company is one of three companies that will be followed on camera this summer for Tech Stars. One afternoon, the camera followed him home.

And then the camera followed me as I made a snack for the girls. I would like to stop here and mention that we eat pretty healthy food in our family. I am somewhat obsessed with organic and local food whenever possible and, despite my girls' natural inclinations toward candy and processed meats, I generally offer them healthy snacks. So with the camera on me, what did I do? Panic and pull out the Cheez-its. Which I proceeded to give to Noni on a ceramic plate (not a bowl, a plate). Then I watched her walk across the floor, Cheez-its falling off the plate left and right, and then drop the plate. And that, my friends, was my fifteen minutes of fame.

Fortunately people have done much worse things on reality television. And, fortunately, Megan chose to cut most of that from the film. I think she did a great job showing the three companies and caught some cute Noni and Lucy moments in the process. Here's the first of the summer series. Enjoy!

1 comment:

Christine said...

that had me laughing out loud! That's something I would do too, and then on top of that I would make unnatural grimaces b/c I'd be self-conscious in front of the camera. It was a great video and I didn't even notice the cheezits!